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Letters-to-the-Editor & Commentary

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319 posts

Free Reflectors Available in Greenburgh

I read your report “Fatality on Broadway in Tarrytown Highlights Longstanding Risks for Pedestrians”.   I am not familiar with the reasons for the fatality but would like to remind readers that the Town of Greenburgh has been distributing free reflectors to re... More »

Don’t Change New York’s Election Calendar

Within the next few weeks Governor Hochul will have to decide whether to sign or veto legislation that would change the years when the County Executive, town officials run for office.  I urge her to veto the legislation. Currently these  elections are held in ... More »



GHOSTED: Ghosting means you are a piece of sheet By Krista Madsen– NOT A HAUNTING BUT A HOLLOWING There’s the movie from early 2023 no one probably saw with Ana de Armas having a fling with a regular looking guy and then abruptly going dark, unresponsive to hi... More »

Keep Neonics From Killing Our Birds

To the editor: One of the most exceptional aspects of living in the Rivertowns is the abundance of bird species that live in or migrate through the area – from red tailed hawk to heron to a multitude of songbirds. This makes the EPA’s recent assessment on neon... More »

Is this good leadership?

By Marty Dolan— The “Independent” Redistricting Commission (IRC) has requested comments on its plan for Congressional Redistricting by November 15th. Well – the IRC’s old-school gerrymandering and insider games calls for a lot of comments. First, why is Plan A... More »

Free Thanksgiving Meals Available

To the Editor:    Please invite neighbors, friends, relatives (or yourself) who are on fixed incomes to participate in a free Thanksgiving meal  at the Greenburgh Neighborhood Health Center (now called the Westchester Community Health Center) on Thanksgiving T... More »

Support The NY Heat Act

To the editor: I appreciated the excellent presentation of difficult choices in the commentary by Laura Burkhardt, “The Municipal Solid Waste Conundrum”(Oct. 1). The need to find climate-friendly solutions throughout our energy and waste systems presents polic... More »

Resources If You Are A Victim Of Hate Crime Or Discrimination

Many Muslim residents and Jewish residents are nervous because of the war in the Middle East, and worry the fear and animosity might carry over here. No matter what one’s views are regarding the Israeli-Palestinian war, we can’t discriminate against local resi... More »

Karen Brown’s Passion for Public Service

To the Editor, Hudson Independent; I would like to enthusiastically support the re-election of Karen Brown for Mayor of Tarrytown. I have worked with Karen during her tenure as Mayor and have been very impressed with her passion for public service. She has an ... More »

In Response to Kenny Herzog’s Letter

We agree with Kenny Herzog that Tarrytowners should “Vote Based on the Facts”.  Unfortunately, Mr. Herzog, who is a District leader for the Tarrytown Democratic Committee and an aide to a Democrat Westchester County Legislator (both of which Mr. Herzog failed ... More »

Karen Brown for Tarrytown

To the Editor, Hudson Independent,  I would like to enthusiastically support the re-election of Karen Brown for Mayor of Tarrytown. I have worked with Karen during her tenure as Mayor and have been very impressed with her passion for public service. She has an... More »

Vote Based on the Facts

To Whom It May Concern: Whomever one votes for in Tarrytown’s contested elections for Mayor and Board of Trustees this coming Tuesday (or sooner, if they’re taking advantage of early voting), I feel like it’s important they arrive at the polls properly informe... More »

Lawler’s support of Speaker Johnson is Unjustified

We are outraged that Mike Lawler, who claims to be a moderate, has endorsed and voted for an election denier and extremist to serve as Speaker of the House and that, on X, he referred to Johnson as “unfailingly kind, smart, principled.”Rep. Johnson has faced c... More »

Get Your COVID, Flu and RSV Vaccines at Home

  If you are homebound or know of an elderly resident who is homebound and you want to get a Covid booster shot, flu vaccine or need a home visit – you are in luck! Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Service has started a new service –housecalls like the old fashio... More »


The Madness

THE MADNESS: On Taking No To The Nth By Krista Madsen– The Fall of the House of… Come October when life in Sleepy Hollow turns into a twisted game of trying not to run over jaywalking Halloween tourists, I become fully thematic. Numerous attic boxes of dark tr... More »

The Municipal Solid Waste Conundrum

By Laura Burkhardt– The Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions (WASS) in Westchester County is currently engaged in a campaign to shut down the Wheelabrator Westchester (“Wheelabrator”) Waste-to-Energy (WTE) facility in Peekskill, which combusts the co... More »

A Proposal To Reduce Flooding–And Save Money

Here’s a suggestion on to reduce flooding in Westchester: a partnership between Con Ed and local governments to combine underground work on power lines with work to improve drainage systems throughout the town. One hole, two jobs. One of the reasons why there ... More »

Rep. Lawler: Call Out Trump For His Role In The Shutdown

To the Editor: “This isn’t conservative Republicanism. This is stupidity.” Mike Lawler is calling out his fellow House Republican members about the probable government shutdown. Why is he not mentioning who these people are getting their marching orders from? ... More »

A Reminder: School Taxes Are Due October 2nd

To the Editor:   A short reminder that the first half of school taxes is due Monday, October 2nd. Usually property taxes are due the last day of September but because September 30th falls on a weekend you have a little extra time to pay your tax bill.   If you... More »

Fossil Fuels ‘Gotta Go’

To the editor:Last weekend’s March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City was a resounding demonstration of the public’s demand that our leaders commit to preserving an inhabitable planet by phasing out fossil fuels. I marched with the group Beyond Plastics, a n... More »

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