Donate To The Hudson Independent

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Help Keep Journalism Independent


Join us in our effort to preserve community news in the rivertowns–by donating what you can. Every contribution counts.

Your con­tri­bu­tion will help us con­tinue to pro­vide news that is per­ti­nent to res­i­dents, busi­nesses and stu­dents in the river­towns of the lower Hud­son Val­ley.

Thanks for being a loyal reader of The Indy. Your support has allowed us to expand our coverage to include more local sports, more previews of local entertainment and more on  issues of importance to residents of the rivertowns. The wider a net we cast for local news, the more we need tax-deductible contributions so that we can pay for the good reporting and writing we aspire to provide.

Donate to The Indy - help us reach our goal - GoFundMe

We welcome your comments, both positive and negative. We especially welcome constructive ideas on how we can serve our readers better–including stories and issues you would like to see us cover. The Hudson Independent is here to serve you.

The Hudson Independent uses a web hosting company known for its sound environmental practices. Our host uses sustainably-produced energy for its facilities, and pays carbon credits for an additional 200% of its usage.
