Earlier this month, the Village of Irvington was welcomed into another prestigious environmental club when it was admitted into the national Old-Growth Forest Network. In presenting the Certificate of Recognition, the organization’s Northeast Regional manager, Sarah RobbGrieco, called the Irvington Woods, the village’s 251-acre unbroken forest “one of the largest forested areas in Southern Westchester County” that “possesses tremendous ecological value” that is a sanctuary for wildlife and home to the largest freshwater wetlands in Southern Westchester County.
Scores of residents who have devoted their time to clearing out invasive species and marking the old-growth trees, including 200-year-old white oaks, turned up at the O’Hara Nature Center to celebrate the achievement. They included dozens of scouts who have made it their cause to keep the Woods pristine, following the instruction of Irvington’s master forester, CJ Reilly.