By Rick Pezzullo—
The Tarrytown Music Hall received a big financial boost to its school residencies’ program this week.
On Thursday, state Assemblywoman MaryJane Shimsky (D/District 92) delivered a $25,000 check to Music Hall Executive Director Bjorn Olsson for the program, which is offered to children in the Tarrytown School District at no cost.
“We started residencies a couple of years before COVID,” explained Theatre Manager Karina Ringeisen. “Aladdin Jr. in March 2021 was our first in-person residency since COVID and it was a tearful event. Parents and students were so happy to be able to have a shared experience again. We doubled attendance last year.”
About 100 students perform in the residencies each year. The Music Hall invites schoolchildren from Morse and Washington Irving elementary schools and Sleepy Hollow Middle School to attend the shows, extending the theatrical experience beyond the stage proscenium.

Overall, Ringeisen said the Music Hall serves about 1,500 children per year just through residencies.
“School residencies are such a great way to introduce kids to theater and music, and many then join our regular Academy programs, which we offer on a “Pay What You Can” basis,” Olsson stated.
Most of the rehearsals are held at Washington Irving School. The technical rehearsals and performances are usually held at the Music Hall. Rehearsals are about two-and-a-half weeks after school.
Kevin J. Kearins of KJK Productions is the Music Hall’s Academy Director. Broadway performer and educator Lauryn Ciardullo is also involved in the residencies.
In addition to residencies, the Music Hall provides music scholarships and a Pay-What-You-Can policy so everyone may participate in year-round music, theater, dance, voice and aerial silks programs, regardless of financial limitations.
The Music Hall offers master classes with Broadway performers, takes children to Broadway shows, give them opportunities to perform with Broadway performers, and involves them in outdoor performances. This fall, voice students will have an opportunity to perform in a Cabaret setting at Green Room 42 in Times Square.
Other donors to the Music Hall’s Academy residences include ArtsWestchester, Westchester County (with the support of County Executive George Latimer), The Kids’ Club of the Tarrytowns, The Miles Hodsdon Vernon Foundation, Inc., The Rotary Club of the Tarrytowns, and The Tammy & Keith Anderson Foundation.
More information on the Academy residencies can be found at
Meanwhile, in other news at the Music Hall, a late night showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show will be held after the annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 26. The parade kicks off at 5 p.m.
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