Letters – Outdoor Art Exhibit at New Bridge Would Be Nice Touch
To the Editor:
Shortly after the governor announced plans to replace the Tappan Zee Bridge with a new bridge and to build a walkway for cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy, I suggested an outdoor art museum be placed along the 3-mile walk.
Recently, I spent a few hours at the RiverArts studio open house in Greenburgh and spoke with many artists about the concept. The artists I spoke with were all enthusiastic and mentioned that Brooklyn participates in an annual large scale traveling photography exhibit reaching 6 million people through open area exhibitions in eight cities across America. It’s called the FENCE (see fence.photoville.com).
Over the past six years, the FENCE has consistently attracted exceptional work by talented photographers from around the world, giving the community an opportunity to enjoy powerful narratives with a diverse audience of millions of visitors annually. If they could have an outdoor art exhibit in Brooklyn, why can’t we do the same on the Mario Cuomo Bridge?
I believe that an outdoor art exhibit at the Mario Cuomo Bridge would be enjoyed by millions of cyclists, pedestrians and tourists. It would help make the bridge a tourist attraction and destination point. It would help the local economy by attracting more tourists from around the world. The exhibits should be professionally curated and could also have displays promoting the environment and efforts to make the world more sustainable. The exhibits should change periodically — just like they do at museums.
I’m writing to state, county officials, leaders in the arts community and business leaders trying to promote this concept. I hope you will give this your consideration. I also have suggested that the walk of the bridge be named in honor of Pete Seeger who did much to promote a cleaner Hudson River during his amazing life.
Paul Feiner
Greenburgh Town Supervisor