No sooner had The Hudson Independent (among others) reported Irvington Senior Christopher Zorn’s selection as one of the 300 high school students semi-finalists in its annual Science Talent Research competition (see: when it was announced that he had made it to the finals.
That puts him among the top 40 students our of 2,162 entrants who will take part in a weeklong competition from March 7-13, where they will undergo a rigorous judging process and compete for more than $1.8 million in awards. They will also participate in an in-person Public Exhibition of Projects on March 10 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, D.C.
Even before the March finals, he had already won a total of $27,000 for his entry, “The Role of MYC in RET Fusion Tumorigenesis and RET Inhibitor Resistance.”
“We are so happy for Chris,” his Science Research teachers Amy Ma and Nadia Parikka said. “This achievement is a celebration of his hard work, curiosity, and perseverance.”
The Regeneron competition is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math contest for high school seniors. Each year, students enter the competition, submitting original research in critically important scientific fields of study and are judged by leading experts in their fields. According to the Tarrytown-based company, it recognizes and empowers promising young scientists who are generating innovative solutions to solve significant challenges through rigorous research and discoveries.
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