By W.B. King–
Billing itself as a “welcoming parish,” Church of the Magdalene, located in Pocantico Hills, is hosting several worship events this summer and fall in recognition and celebration of its founding in 1894.
“Where some churches are closing and/or merging, we remain open continuing to meet the spiritual needs of those who call the Magdalene their spiritual home,” said Edward Sudol, public relations director.
On Sunday July 21, a special “festive” mass will be held at 11:00 a.m., said Sudol, a parishioner for 20 years who has also sat on the parish council and been a lay trustee. The principal celebrant will be Father Tim Wiggins, pastor, and the guest homilist is former pastor Father John Vigilanti. “Also included will be other priests that have been associated with the Magdalene over the years. “We are encouraging all parishioners and their families to attend this mass,” he added.
The service will feature the talents of Music Director John Dominick, a vocalist, organist and conductor. A Louisiana native, he brings years of experience, including performances in Europe, to the position he accepted in 2022.
“I am passionate about using music to convey the message of faith and spirituality,” Dominick said. “Beyond my role as music director at The Magdalene, I am actively involved in parish life as a member of the parish council. This role allows me to contribute to decision-making processes that guide our community in faith and service.”
Life Center
After the mass, a celebratory lunch will be offered. Featured speaker will be Sister Susan Gardella, who serves as the executive director of The RSHM Life Center (Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary), a Sleepy Hollow-based community center focused on education and social services.
“She will speak on the long history the parish has shared with the Religious of the Sacred Heart (Marymount),” Sudol noted, adding that this relationship dates to the late 1880s.
Life Center programming includes, Parents and Tots, English as a Second Language, Learning Labs After School, Friday Night Fever (teen club), Summer Fun Camp, and Smarty Saturday (enrichment).
“We even have an immigration legal office to assist families. All programs reflect the philosophy that ‘Learning Is For Everyone’ at all stages of life. The goal is to help everyone the Center serves realize the potential that lies within,” Gardella said.
“The Church of the Magdalene is well known to the RSHM community, and a number of sisters attend mass there regularly and have served on different parish committees,” she added. “Since our earliest days the RSHM LIFE Center has been generously supported by the parish and many parishioners have served as volunteers and board members.”
Accepted, Loved and Respected
Welcoming Catholics from 40-plus zip codes in Westchester County and beyond, the church’s credo reads: “No matter your status in the Catholic Church; No matter your family or marital situation; No matter your past or present; No matter your age, race, color or orientation, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected.”
Among fervent supporters is Jeanne LiMarzi and her family who have been parishioners for 45 of the 130 years the church has been in operation.
“The LiMarzi family has been through many baptisms, communions, confirmations and two weddings,” she shared. “The Magdalene is truly a very special place for us. We were very lucky to be part of this warm community. It will always be our parish.”
Fellow parishioner Anne Kenny offered that the church is “filled with sacred music and surrounded by stained glass windows, guided by a pastor who reflects its welcoming embrace.” And Amy and John Bogusz added: “It’s a special and rare place of grace, warmth, and inspiration. The community is especially welcoming and kind. It feels like home.”
Along with the July 21 mass celebration, Sudol explained that “Mass on the Grass,” which takes place on the lawn adjacent to the church, will be held at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on the following Sundays: August 18, September 8 and October 13.
“This idea was provided by a parishioner who works at a Catholic college. Since my arrival, we held other events on the grass such as a wine and cheese reception, blessing of animals, and Corpus Christi procession,” Sudol said. “Having mass outside whether it is on the church’s property or at a park, allows us to go out onto the highways and byways and be ambassadors of the faith.”
As Sudol reflects on the last 130 years and looks forward, he said the church’s future is grounded in its past. “The Church of the Magdalene has been blessed over the years with an abundance of dedicated pastors, as well as committed parishioners,” he said. “I hope and pray we will continue.”
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