To the Editor: Many elected officials, myself included, receive constant complaints from residents about excessive noise. Cars, some with illegal mufflers and motorcycles race up and down streets around town in the middle of the night – impacting residents qua... More »
PONDERING 50: Ask for the whole can, kick/stretch/kick, and be a calm lake By Krista Madsen– Since it’s my birthday week, and a big one, I thought I’d take a moment to assess what this milestone of turning 50 means for a woman in our culture vis-à-vis what it ... More »
Dear Letters Editor: July, 2023 marks the 59th Anniversary of federal government support for public transportation. The success of public transportation can be traced back to one of the late President Lyndon Johnson’s greatest accomplishments which continue... More »
To the Editor: This letter is written to offer support for the preservation of the historic Ardsley on Hudson Train Station and to encourage others to voice their support as well. This station not only possesses attractive architecture with its graceful tower... More »
CYBERSICKNESS: This is your brain and body on computers By Krista Madsen– I’ve managed to avoid donning any virtual reality headsets in my life until I attended a Maker Fair recently in this complex of amazing old brick factories at the Garner Arts Center in G... More »
Dear editor, My name is Craig and I teach ESL to students immigrating and seeking full-citizenship in the USA. We must make sure everyone has access to the internet that they need to fully participate in our democracy: verify voter registration, track mail bal... More »
DEATH @ DEPTH: The Fearless Freaks of the Sea, Plus Luminous Fish By Krista Madsen– The word of the week was “submersible” and we know all know the tragic outcome. Awaiting the inevitable news of the demise of the Titan five—apparently lost at deep sea post-im... More »
The gun violence crisis is horrific and unique to our country. There have been more than 200 mass shootings across the US so far this year. 71% of Americans want more gun safety laws. There are a multiple laws Congress can pass to chip away at this crisis. Yet... More »
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: Our human impulse to launch our words into water or space By Krista Madsen– When my prior water post was about to launch from earth to start looking for water in outer space, I knew that yet again, this verbose writer was going to need a P... More »
On Saturday I had the pleasure attending some of the RiverArt’s music tours at different locations. I would like to thank River Arts for sponsoring this enjoyable day. I am amazed that Adam Hart was able to produce an event with over 125 free performances at... More »
OUT OF MY BLUE MIND: What is it about the water that is so enticing? By Krista Madsen– In an odd and turbulent childhood, some rare quieter moments stand out. I have a blissful scene forever embedded in my brain of me on the floor at the centerline of a long w... More »
Dear Editor, I write to invite students from across the district to apply for summer internships in my office. I hope to continue the robust internship program maintained by my predecessor, Honorable Sandy Galef. So many people involved in our region’s governm... More »
Letter to the Editor: Mike Lawler has introduced a bill(HR3704) that would ban ranked choice voting in federal elections. How regressive! Candidates, who have won elections with ranked choice voting, captured the majority not just the plurality of votes as ... More »
In some ways, there has never been more LGBTQ+ Pride in Lower Hudson. From flag raising ceremonies, to family-friendly comedy shows, to street festivals and parades, there’s a little something for everyone. But none of it really matters if we don’t show up for... More »
MICROBE KILLER NO. 2, PART 2: The slow death of the cure-all and fast demise of its maker By Krista Madsen– After dipping into the history of this stoneware gallon jug found in my parent’s basement, I had many more questions to explore which require a part 2: ... More »
To the Editor, Anthony Kiriyanthan, an Ardsley High School student deserves the appreciation of our community for organizing a Bicycle Rodeo at the Ardsley Middle School on May 20th. The rodeo highlighted the importance of bicycle safety. Anthony enlisted the... More »
RADAM’S MICROBE KILLER NO. 2: For whatever ails you, including…all female troubles? By Krista Madsen– Let’s set the scene, 2017: As my dad lays dying in the den of the house I was raised in, my daughter interviews him about his parents’ native Denmark for her ... More »
To the Editor: As the State Legislature rushes to its end of session on June 8, an urgent issue demands citizen action. The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (A5322/S4246) and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill (A6353/A237) must be passed this se... More »
Dear Editor, I recently received word that the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council has added proposals to improve multiple roads in Assembly District 95 to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). I have pushed hard to represent the concerns of m... More »
In the final weeks of the legislative session, legislators and the governor seem to feel they have “done enough” for the climate by passing the All-Electric Building Act in the budget. This legislation is a big step in fulfilling the state’s Climate Action Pla... More »
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