To the Editor: As a seventeen year resident of the Irving Neighborhood, I would like to give thanks to Mayor Drew Fixell for the years of consistent involvement, expertise and wisdom he has given Tarrytown. I attending various village board meetings in 1999, b... More »
To the Editor: In the recent edition of The River Journal, candidate Paul Janos makes an uninformed and false assertion that the lakes we all love have suffered from neglect under the current Village of Tarrytown administration lead by Mayor Drew Fixell. Nothi... More »
To the Editor: The humorist Mark Twain said “a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting its shoes on.” So true, so sad and so fitting of the current Sleepy Hollow village elections. Over the past few months, The Hudson Independent h... More »
To the Editor: Earlier this year, we served as Co-Chairs of the Irvington Fields Project Committee (“FPC”), convened by the Irvington BOE, and comprised of ten residents having various backgrounds in business, finance, architecture, horticulture, and law. Ov... More »
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